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Showing posts from May, 2018

How do negative feelings or negative vibration prevent Spiritual Ascension ?

Here question arise how does this vibes prevent from spiritual development.  well when someone practice spirituality . he start to attract higher energies , higher vibes in form of peace primly. these energies first enter into his energy field and start removing bad energies, bad vibrations of one's pain ,depression but if he is continuing with non veg diet . It increase workload for positive energy.The battle between good and bad energies result in form of detoxification,which  have to faced by person who is practicing spirituality. That'swhy if he is doing his practice along with taking non veg diet he is just empowering both energies.         Like doing practice he give more positive energy to his energy field and simultaneously he is also taking other bad vibes and provide more negative vibes to his energy field . in such cases sometime he feel very positive ,peace , love when higher power get stronger than...

Is Non-veg diet ok in Spiritual Progression ?

For Centuries monks ,spiritual teachers or many ascended masters are telling you to avoid Non veg diet if you are practicing spirituality . of course there are exceptional cases too, presents like every field of life it used to be . the concern of people special who love non veg and want to practice spiritualily is Why ??? Why do i need to give up meat,beef etc? further their objection, " then why do God made human omnivorous rather than herbivorous only? What happen if i take non veg diet and practice spirituality along with? OK so i try to tell on behalf of ascended masters.   Death is painful for almost every living being except those who consider death is only transformation and migration from one dimention to another. when cattle ,birds,fishes are killed for consumption as meal ,we never think what were going into those living beings, how they do feel at the time of near death,how much level of their sorrowfulness,pain for departure untimely from there families ,the...