We dwell amid of higher divine energies and lower demonic energies. For living a peaceful life we need to be surrounded by higher divine energies . therefore it is very important that where you live, make sure that the place is clean from negative energies and become full from higher vibrations. Here I am going to provide you an infographic about how you can make your living space more peaceful more vibrant and clean from lower entities . So nice and fill from love kindness and Holly vibrations . Read and whatever you feel is appealing to you apply that remedy and dont forget to give your thoughtful opinion. Remedies to increase good vibes Sunlight Sun is core piller of the life. sunrays to not only destroy bacteria and germs but they also enemy of lower energies that's why most of black magic works are done at night in dark and most of Haunted House used to be in dark alone from long period of time. Make sure that sunlight can be entered into mos...